- Application of knowledge, 生動運用知識
- Active participation and 高參與, 高展示
- Achievement 增強成就感
School-based English Curriculum – Task-based Learning Approach
We apply “3As” in designing the learning experiences that facilitate students’ learning.
They are:
The teachers carefully scaffold the learning process from short to long and from simple to complex. As a result, students become confident English speakers and writers.
1.Primary 1 to 6: Task-based Learning
We have developed our school-based curriculum with a task-based approach. Teachers design purposeful and contextualized activities for learners to draw together knowledge and skills in task completion.
2.Primary 1 to 3: School-based PLPR Programme
From Primary 1 to 3, our school has implemented a school-based PLPR Programme. It provides quality learning and teaching which engages students into effective language learning and raises the general level of their English proficiency. We hope students can build a strong foundation in phonics in KS1 and become confident readers.
3.P.3 Drama Programme
Students play different kinds of drama games to develop their creativity and language art appreciation. Throughout the drama lessons, students become more confident in speaking English. Team spirit is also built and developed through co-operating with others.
4.Native English Teachers (NETs)
Our school puts great emphasis on English and we have 3 Native English Teachers (NETs) at our school. We try to create a language rich environment to arouse students’ interests in learning and using English. We have “English Funland” in the English Room every day and students enjoy talking and playing with teachers in English there.
5.The CBLMC English Fun Bus
Our English Fun Bus is an exciting and interesting way to motivate our students to read authentic English books at school and gradually help them develop their life-long reading habit. Different activities are held on the bus to motivate students to read English books. Students can read a variety of books including fictions and non-fictions with teachers on the bus during English lessons and recess.